Computer Laboratory

Computer Laboratory is one of the facilities in Mechanical Engineering Department Polytechnic State of Jakarta that serves to support the practicum activities of D-III Mechanical Engineering Study Program students, D-III Energy Conversion Engineering students and S-1 Applied Manufacturing Engineering students in basic computer courses, computer programming, and Computer Aided Design.

No. Name Position
1 Dr.Eng. Pribadi Mumpuni Adhi Head of Laboratory
2 Drs. Almahdi, M.T. Lecturer
3 Indra Silanegara, S.T., MTI. Lecturer
4 Idrus Assagaf, S.ST., M.T. Lecturer
5 Samsudin Lab. Assistant/ Technician

To support student practicum activities, this laboratory is facilitated by computers as follows: 1.A set of server computers

2. Seventeen sets of personal computers

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