S-2 Applied Magister Manufacturing Technology



"Becoming a Superior International Standard Study Program in the Field of Electric Power Generation to Support National Competitiveness"


1. Organizing Vocational Education in the Field of Power Generation Based on Science and Technology with Character and Devotion to God Almighty.

2. Developing research in the field of electric power generation and increasing the application of world-class science and technology to increase the nation's competitiveness.

3. Developing Study Programs that are Efficient, Effective, Accountable Based on ICT (Information Communication Technology) in the Field of Power Generation.

The Applied Master of Manufacturing Engineering Study Program was established in 2019 based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education in 2018. This study program is a center for vocational master education and human resource development in the field of green Manufacturing Technology.

The main competencies developed are mastering green product development technology, precision maschining, DFMA, environmental impact analysis. Other subjects that keep up with the times and are able to have entrepreneurial insight through competency-based learning.

The core courses taught include green product development, precision machining, environmental impact analysis, advanced CAD / CAM, advanced machine design, and industrial automation.

This study program is able to produce and develop professional human resources in the field of green manufacturing technology, play an active role in improving competency-based expertise and skills, produce skilled personnel in the field of quality manufacturing process technology, have an entrepreneurial spirit, are independent, cultured, environmentally sound and master as well as being able to compete at the national and international levels, increasing the ability to do real work in the field of manufacturing process technology which is beneficial to the people and nation of Indonesia.

The study program is able to produce vocational workforce in the field of green manufacturing process technology, has the ability to develop manufacturing process technology through provision of integrated knowledge and practice. This study program consists of the Regular Program for relevant graduates of the Bachelor and Degree Program.


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